Frequently Asked Question

Are cryptocurrencies a valid investment?

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency which can be transferred via computer networks. Record of ownership of coins is on a digital ledger. There are thousands of different coins.

As far as investing in cryptocurrency is concerned, the normal rules apply. The various risks surrounding the investment must be considered. Because there are many scams to do with cryptocurrency coins, most coins should not be considered as investments. There is a real risk of losing all funds invested. "Mainstream" cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have a little more stability. However, there is still the risk of exchange issues, and extreme volatility. Furthermore, the regulatory landscape around cryptocurrency is in its infancy.

In short, we do not consider cryptocurrency a suitable investment for most people. For anyone insistent on buying cryptocurrencies, extensive research should be done around the risks, and even then, only a very small proportion of one's portfolio should be invested. There should be the expectation of significant fluctuations in its value, and the potential risk of losing much or all of the amount invested.


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