Our process differs slightly from other advisory firms. We use a process which we believe offers more flexibility and transparency.
Upon registering an account and subscribing to a suitable plan, you will enter your information into our system. This will build a picture of your financial and personal circumstances. When you are satisfied you have provided all the information you can, you make a Submission to us. This takes a snapshot of the information you have provided and along with your objectives, enables us to begin to understand your circumstances and form recommendations.
We will then go back and forth with you to ensure there is no information missing that we think we need to know to make recommendations which are suitable to your circumstances and objectives. Recommendations are then made, which we will ensure you understand. With your consent, they can then be implemented. We will review arrangements regularly.
We are also available at other times during your subscription for any queries you may have, or if you have a significant change in circumstances.
FAQsIf you still have an unanswered question or require more clarity about something, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be happy to help.